• Dover NH

    The City of Dover, NH is a great place to live, work, and play. Dover is conveniently located in the seacoast area of New Hampshire. Settled in 1623, Dover is the oldest permanent settlement in New Hampshire and the 7th oldest in the United States.

  • Dover NH

    The City of Dover, NHis ranked one of the top 100 communities in the United States and one of the nation's top communities for young people.

    Source: CNN/Money and America's Promise Alliance

  • Dover NH

    The City of Dover, NHboasts superior municipal services, an exceptional school system, outstanding parks and recreation services, and numerous cultural destinations and events.

  • Dover NH

    The City of Dover, NHis the fastest-growing city in New Hampshire.

    Source: U.S. Census

  • Dover NH

    The City of Dover, NHis home to a vibrant and thriving business community.

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  • September 17 marks the beginning of Constitution Week in Dover

    posted on 9/17/2024

    September 17, 2024, marks the 237th anniversary of the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America by the Constitutional Convention in 1787.

    The Mayor and City Council declared Sept. 17-23 as Constitution Week in Dover at the Aug. 28 City Council meeting. Deputy Mayor Dennis Shanahan read a proclamation declaring the week with members of the Margery Sullivan chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution present.

    "The Constitution is our nation's guiding document, and it is important to recognize and celebrate its existence while recalling the strength and bravery of those who fought for The Constitution and its amendments throughout history," the deputy mayor said, reading from the proclamation....more

  • Waterfront committee meets Tuesday to discuss potential ground lease with Great Bay Rowing, review proposed boathouse design

    posted on 9/16/2024

    The Cochecho Waterfront Development Advisory Committee meets next Tuesday, Sept. 17 at 5:30 p.m. in the McConnell Center’s Room 305.

    At the meeting, the committee will discuss and potentially vote to endorse a proposed 40-year ground lease with Great Bay Rowing, which would allow them to construct a 5,400-square-foot boathouse on the waterfront property. Any lease would require City Council approval before going into effect. Great Bay Rowing will also present a proposed design of the boathouse, a privately funded building that would not use any city funds. The ground lease calls for an annual rent of $12,000, which would increase by $1,000 per month every 10 years, with Great Bay Rowing responsible for operation and maintenance costs. The lease also calls for Great Bay Rowing to develop programs with the Recreation Department to educate the public about paddle sports. 

    CDWAC will also receive updates on the public and private construction elements at the waterfront. Construction of the new waterfront buildings continues at a rapid pace, with foundations constructed throughout the River Street loop road. The site will see more workers in the coming weeks to continue the vertical construction of the new buildings. Construction of the public parks pavilion building is getting closer to reality, with the city expected to release the construction bid as early as next week. ...more

Dover NH on-demand video

City Council, 9/11/2024

The regular meeting of the Dover City Council on Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024. 

posted on: 9/12/2024

Zoning Board preview, 9/19/2024

In this video, Zoning Administrator Paul Crouser reviews what's on the agenda at the next Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting on Thursday, Sept. 19, 2024. 

posted on: 9/16/2024

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