Find My Representative

Here you will find information about your local, state, county and federal elected officials, including contact information for City Councilors, state representatives and the New Hampshire congressional delegation.

Click here to access an interactive City of Dover Ward Map.  Ward Map

Click here for City Councilors by Ward.

Click here for School Board members by Ward.

US Senators    
Jeanne Shaheen   Website E-Mail
Maggie Hassan   Website E-Mail
US House of Representatives    
Chris PappasDistrict 1  Website E-Mail
New Hampshire Governor    
Kelly Ayotte   Website E-Mail
Executive Council    
Joseph D. KenneyDistrict 1  Website E-Mail
New Hampshire State Senate
David H. WattersDistrict 4  Website E-Mail
New Hampshire House of Representatives
Erik R. JohnsonDistrict 11Ward 4 Website E-Mail
Thomas L. SouthworthDistrict 11Ward 4 Website E-Mail
Janet G. WallDistrict 11Ward 4 Website E-Mail
Peter W. BixbyDistrict 13Ward 6 Website E-Mail
Peter B. SchmidtDistrict 14Ward 1 Website E-Mail
Alice WadeDistrict 15Ward 2 Website E-Mail
Gary R. GilmoreDistrict 16Ward 3 Website E-Mail
Jessica F. LaMontagneDistrict 17Ward 5 Website E-Mail
Allan HowlandDistrict 20Ward 4 Website E-Mail
Luz BayDistrict 21Wards 1,2,3,5,6 Website E-Mail 
Seth MillerDistrict 21Wards 1,2,3,5,6 Website E-Mail 
Geoffrey SmithDistrict 21Wards 1,2,3,5,6 Website E-Mail 

Strafford County

A portion of the taxes paid by all Dover residents are collected by Strafford County to maintain county operations, including the Strafford County House of Corrections, the William A. Grimes Strafford County Justice and Administration Building, and the Riverside Rest Home. State representatives serve as the county delegation and vote on the county budget. Click here for the current membership of the Strafford County Delegation. 

The Strafford County Commissioners are elected by the residents of Strafford County, including Dover, and vote on matters pertaining to the operation of Strafford County. 

County Commissioners
Joe Pitre, vice chairDistrict 1 Website
George Maglaras, chairDistrict 2Wards 1,2,3 Website 
Sean M. Leavitt, clerkDistrict 3Wards 5,6 Website  
County Attorney
Emily Garod603-749-2808 Website
Kathryn Mone603-742-4960 Website
Registry of Deeds
Catherine Berube603-742-1741 Website
Registry of Probate
Jan Nedelka
Pamela J. Arnold