Hours & Directions

Phone Numbers

Circulation Desk : 603-516-6050
Reference Desk : 603-516-6082
Children's Room : 603-516-6052


Monday - Thursday: 9AM - 8:30PM

Friday: 9AM - 5PM

Saturday: 9AM - 4PM

Sunday: 12PM - 4PM


General Library
Director : Denise LaFrance
Deputy Director: Patty Falconer
Teen & Information Services : Emily Ainaire
Technology : Nick Gagnon
Children's : Crystal Lisbon
Adult Services : Susan Dunker
Community Engagement : Aimee Lockhardt
Interlibrary Loan : Olivia Pexton
Friends of the Library


Located in the McConnell Center during the renovation
61 Locust Street
Dover, NH 03820

Dover Public Library
73 Locust Street
Dover NH, 03820


Chairman: Michael Egan
Vice-Chair: Dorothy Wagner
Jill Martin
Ann Schultz
Cliff Blake
Alternates: Beth Evans & Jean Finnerty

Library Trustees minutes are available on the city website.


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From the South (Newmarket/Exeter)

Take Route 108 into Dover. Turn LEFT at the traffic lights in front of Burger King, onto Locust Street. Follow Locust Street through a set of traffic lights to the bottom of the hill. The Library is on the LEFT.

From Portsmouth

Take the Spaulding Turnpike to Exit 8E. Follow Silver Street to a second set of lights. Turn LEFT onto Locust Street. Follow Locust Street to the bottom of the hill. The Library is on the LEFT.

From the west

Take Routes 4 or 125 to the Lee Traffic Circle. Then take Route 4 East. Take the first exit to Route 155. Turn left on Route 155 toward Dover. Follow Route 155 through the traffic lights, over the turnpike, then Follow Silver Street to a third set of lights. Turn LEFT onto Locust Street. Follow Locust Street to the bottom of the hill. The Library is on the LEFT.

From the north

Take Spaulding Turnpike south from Rochester. Take Exit 8 East, then Follow Silver Street to a second set of lights. Turn LEFT onto Locust Street. Follow Locust Street to the bottom of the hill. The Library is on the LEFT.


Follow the driveway between the Library and the McConnell Center, back behind the Library.  Park anywhere in the parking lot except in the rows marked permit only, which are located on the perimeter of the lot and in the last two rows farthest from the building.

Dover Public Library