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Pacific Mills Hospital


By Margaret B. Moran, R.N.
Cocheco Chats, May 1921

Pacific Mills Hospital chats.jpg

The plant hospital was opened in February, 1917, with Miss Frances Young, R.N.. in charge. After a few months she left and Miss Margaret B. Moran, R.N., a resident nurse, was engaged to carry on the work. At present she is still caring for mill cases. 

Under her supervision many changes have been made. The quarters have been enlarged, a new entrance for our patients has been built and several articles have been installed, such as an electric sterilizer, a dressing table, stools foot rests, supply cabinets, an irrigator, a few instruments and other supplies. 

Not a day passes that workers do not receive benefits in this human repair shop, not only in the care of accidents and sickness, but in information and advice freely given to help them in the great battle for health and life. The nurse gives of her time and service in unstinted measure to all who seek her advice. 

The mill physician, Dr. Carignan, is at the plant every Monday and Friday morning at nine o’clock and is ever ready to do his par in the care and consultation if patients,. He is called to our hospital at any other time for severe accidents or in cases of emergency illness. The nurse works under his orders.  

The hospital service is available to everyone in the mill. The wise man does much to preserve his health, and will resort to proper means of obtaining it.

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This historical essay is provided free to all readers as an educational service. It may not be reproduced on any website, list, bulletin board, or in print without the permission of the Dover Public Library. Links to the Dover Public Library homepage or a specific article's URL are permissible.