City Council & Mayor

City Council, 2024-2025

Typical Meeting TimeThe second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m.
Typical Meeting LocationCity Council Chambers, City Hall, 288 Central Avenue, Dover, NH 03820
Board's LiaisonExecutive Department, City Manager's Office

Email City Council

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Email sent to the Dover City Council is considered a public record and subject to New Hampshire's Right-to-Know law, RSA 91:A, with limited exceptions as outlined in the law. All correspondence sent to the Dover City Council via email may be subject to disclosure as a matter of public record. Correspondence that is not intended for public review, is confidential or intended to be confidential should not be sent to the email address above.

View City Council Public Meeting Records

City Council Purpose


C3-1. Membership; term of office. [Amended 08-30-95, approved at 11-07-95 Municipal Election; Amended 08-09-2000, approved at 11/07/2000 Municipal Election; amended 07-10-2002, approved at 11/05/2002 General Election]

Except as otherwise provided in the Charter, all of the powers of the city shall be vested in a Council of nine Councilors, one Councilor from each ward, two Councilors at Large, and one Councilor to serve as Mayor, to be elected as provided in C2-1 and C3-3. All Councilors shall be elected for terms of two years and shall take office on the first Monday in January following the election and shall hold office until their successors are duly elected and qualified.

C3-11. Powers and duties.

The City Council shall be the governing body of the City of Dover, shall set policies for city government and shall bear full responsibility for the implementation of said policies through the hiring and supervision of the City Manager. [Added 11-05-2005 by Municipal Election]
Except as herein otherwise provided, the City Council shall have all the powers and discharge all the duties conferred or imposed upon city councils, boards of mayor and aldermen and selectmen of towns by law. Except as otherwise provided in this Charter; all boards, commissions and committees shall be appointed by the Council.

Reference City Charter Article III, City Council for additional information.

Current Members

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Public Body
Member Info
Contact Info
hideThis Robert Carrier
Robert Carrier Role: Mayor Term Begin: 1/1/2024 Term End: 12/31/2025
Address: 4 Florence St. Tel: (603) 396-0204 email this person
2 year hideThis hideThis hideThis hideThis


hideThis Councilor Shanahan
Dennis Shanahan Role: Deputy Mayor, Ward 5 Term Begin: 1/1/2024 Term End: 12/31/2025
Address: 508 Tolend Road Tel: (603) 534-3750 email this person
2 year hideThis hideThis hideThis hideThis


hideThis Lindsey Williams
Lindsey Williams Role: City Councilor, At-Large Term Begin: 1/1/2024 Term End: 12/31/2025
Address: 45 Mast Road Tel: (603) 534-2119 email this person
2 year hideThis hideThis hideThis hideThis


hideThis Linnea Nemeth
Linnea Nemeth Role: City Councilor, At-Large Term Begin: 1/1/2024 Term End: 12/31/2025
Address: 8 Corner Stone Drive Tel: (603) 403-2958 email this person
2 year hideThis hideThis hideThis hideThis


hideThis April Richer
April Richer Role: City Councilor, Ward 1 Term Begin: 1/1/2024 Term End: 12/31/2025
Address: 18 Florence Street Tel: (603) 724-4288 email this person
2 year hideThis hideThis hideThis hideThis


hideThis Robert Hinkel
Robert Warach Role: City Councilor, Ward 2 Term Begin: 1/1/2024 Term End: 12/31/2025
Address: 120 Silver Street Tel: (603) 550-6574 email this person
2 year hideThis hideThis hideThis hideThis


hideThis Tony Retrosi
Anthony Retrosi Role: City Councilor, Ward 3 Term Begin: 1/1/2024 Term End: 12/31/2025
Address: 318 Dover Point Road Tel: (603) 969-0132 email this person
2 year hideThis hideThis hideThis hideThis


hideThis Debra Hackett
Debra Hackett Role: City Councilor, Ward 4 Term Begin: 1/1/2024 Term End: 12/31/2025
Address: 4 Brookmoor Road Tel: (603) 534-3623 email this person
2 year hideThis hideThis hideThis hideThis


hideThis Fergus Cullen
Fergus Cullen Role: City Councilor, Ward 6 Term Begin: 1/1/2024 Term End: 12/31/2025
Address: 152 Boxwood Lane Tel: (603) 520-5450 email this person
2 year hideThis hideThis hideThis hideThis

