Pine Hill Cemetery

Pine Hill Cemetery is a perpetual care cemetery owned by the City of Dover and maintained by Community Services' Facility, Grounds and Cemeteries Division. The cemetery's 75-acres are traversed by 7.5 miles of road and lanes.

The cemetery provides year round interments. There are also several choices for cremation burials, including a columbarium, sections reserved for cremation burials, and burial on existing family lots.

Pine Hill Cemetery reserves a section for veterans' burials. 

Cemetery offices are located adjacent to the cemetery at 145 Court St. It is open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. The phone number is 603-516-6480.

The location has long been a burying ground for Dover. First used by Native Americans, it was established as the town cemetery in a town meeting vote on March 29, 1731, where 1.5 acres were set aside for the use of the town forever "for a publick Burying-place to be laid out by ye selectmen near ye Meeting-house on Pine Hill at Cocheca." 

Cemetery rules

Pine Hill Cemetery is open daily from sunrise to sunset.

Flowers may be placed on lots seven days before May 30 and must be removed no later than seven days after May 30.

Only lots that have monuments with extended bases or cement pads on the side of the monument will be allowed to display flowers after June 6.

In ground planting of flowers is not permitted in the cemetery. Glass or other breakable containers are not permitted on the lot. Rules and regulations of the cemetery allow decoration of graves with flowers and flags. Non-conforming items such as solar lights, remembrance lights, wooden signs, shepherds hooks and personal items will be removed and disposed of by the Cemetery Department.

Cemetery Board

The Cemetery Board provides oversight of the operations and meets throughout the year to consider and recommend general policies for the operation of municipal cemeteries, make recommendations on the investment and expenditure of donations and bequests made to the city for the benefit of said cemeteries, and make an annual report of all cemetery activities to the City Manager and keep such other records and reports as directed.

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Below is a directory of all known deceased names and burial locations within Pine Hill Cemetery. The directory is broken into lists based on the person's last name. It includes the person's name, date of death, group/section of the cemetery, lot number, grave number and avenue. 

For assistance, contact the Facilities, Grounds and Cemeteries office at 603-516-6480.