Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion

Typical Meeting TimeThe second and fourth Thursday of each month at 7 p.m.
Typical Meeting LocationCouncil Chambers, City Hall, 288 Central Avenue, Dover, NH 03820
Board's LiaisonExecutive Department, City Manager's Office

Email Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion

Email privacy statement
Email sent to the Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion is considered a public record and subject to New Hampshire's Right-to-Know law, RSA 91:A, with limited exceptions as outlined in the law. All correspondence sent to the Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion via e-mail may be subject to disclosure as a matter of public record. Correspondence that is not intended for public review, is confidential or intended to be confidential should not be sent to the email address above.


City of Dover Land Acknowledgment

This meeting takes place at Cocheco (CO-chi-co) within N’dakinna (n-DA-ki-na), now called Dover, New Hampshire, which is the unceded traditional ancestral homeland of the Abenaki (a-BEN-a-ki), Pennacook and Wabanaki Peoples, past and present. We acknowledge and honor with gratitude the land, waterways, living beings, and the Aln8bak (Al-nuh-bak), the people who have stewarded N’dakinna (n-DA-ki-na) for many millennia.”


The City Council and the City of Dover are committed to eliminating systemic racism and building a stronger community that is safe and welcoming for all people. The City is also committed to being inclusive, representative, and responsive to historically underrepresented and underserved communities, particularly communities of color, immigrants, and refugees. That commitment extends to all City of Dover departments and functions. The City Council’s creation of the Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion is a step in assisting the City of Dover in fulfilling its commitment by conducting a systematic review of municipal operations and creating actionable items for the City of Dover to execute.

The City Council committed to creating this committee at its June 24, 2020, when the City Council unanimously passed the resolution, “Condemning Racism and Affirming City of Dover’s Commitment to Eliminating Racial Inequities.” This resolution came in the wake of African American George Floyd’s tragic death, who was killed in police custody in Minneapolis, Minnesota. At its Oct. 28, 2020 meeting, the City Council formed the Ad-Hoc Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion and appointed its members at its Dec. 9, 2020 meeting. At its Feb. 22, 2023, meeting, the City Council made the Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion a permanent committee

Committee Purpose

The purpose and authority of this Committee is to review data, hold listening sessions, and
recommend to the City Council and City Manager, an action plan outlining existing and new
steps to be taken to work to eliminate systemic racism in municipal operations, including
boards and commissions, and foster a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. The
Committee shall work closely with City staff through the City Manager to gather necessary
information on municipal operations, and will coordinate as necessary with the Dover
Schools Racial Equity Vision Keepers Committee. The Committee’s authority and existence shall be advisory.

Current Members

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Public Body
Member Info
Contact Info
Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion hideThis
José Feliciano Role: Regular-Chair Term Begin: 11/08/2023 Term End: 11/08/2026
Address: 50 Bellamy Road Tel: 787-685-2269 email this person
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Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion hideThis
Alice Wade Role: Vice Chair Term Begin: 1/24/2024 Term End: 1/24/2027
Address: hideThis Tel: (704) 996-4289 email this person
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Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion hideThis
Maggie Fogarty Role: Role: School Board Liaison, Secretary Term Begin: 1/3/2022 Term End: 12/31/2025
Address: 16 Florence St. Tel: (603) 988-7115 email this person
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Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion hideThis
Whitney Carrier Role: Regular Term Begin: 9/26/2023 Term End: 7/26/2026
Address: 61 Tofftree Lane Tel: (405) 818-6682 email this person
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Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion hideThis
Jennifer Ceide Role: Regular Term Begin: 10/10/2023 Term End: 10/10/2026
Address: Tel: 347-721-0931 email this person
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Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion hideThis
Linnea Nemeth Role: Council Liaison Term Begin: 1/3/2022 Term End: 12/31/2025
Address: 8 Cornerstone Drive Tel: (603) 403-2958 email this person
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Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion hideThis
Vacancy hideThis Role: Alternate Term Begin: hideThis Term End: 3/22/2026
Address: hideThis Tel: hideThis email this person
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Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion hideThis
Vacancy hideThis Role: Regular Term Begin: hideThis Term End: 10/6/2026
Address: hideThis Tel: hideThis email this person
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Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion hideThis
Ebenezer Yeboah Role: Regular Term Begin: 9/11/2024 Term End: 3/22/2026
Address: hideThis Tel: (617)669-8427 email this person
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Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion hideThis
Sara Santiago Role: Regular Term Begin: 10/9/2024 Term End: 10/9/2027
Address: hideThis Tel: hideThis email this person
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Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion hideThis
Vacancy hideThis Role: Alternate Term Begin: hideThis Term End: hideThis
Address: hideThis Tel: hideThis email this person
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Committee for Racial Equity and Inclusion hideThis
Heather Worrall Role: Staff Liaison Term Begin: hideThis Term End: hideThis
Address: 288 Central Avenue Tel: (603) 516-2265 email this person
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Committee documents and resources: