Heritage Commission

Typical Meeting TimeThe Heritage Commission typically meets quarterly
Typical Meeting LocationFirst Floor City Hall Conference Room
Board's LiaisonDover Public Library

Email Board

Email privacy statement
Email sent to the Dover Heritage Commission is considered a public record and subject to New Hampshire's Right-to-Know law, RSA 91:A, with limited exceptions as outlined in the law. All correspondence sent to the Dover Heritage Commission via email may be subject to disclosure as a matter of public record. Correspondence that is not intended for public review, is confidential or intended to be confidential should not be sent to the email address above.

View Public Meeting Records


AUTHORITY AND DUTIES: The Heritage Commission shall have the following duties and functions consistent with RSA 674:

  1. (1) Survey and inventory all cultural resources.
  2. (2) Conduct, research and publish findings.
  3. (3) Assist the Planning Board, as requested, in the development and review of those sections of the master plan which address cultural and historic resources.
  4. (4) Advise, upon request, local agencies and other local boards in their review of requests on matters affecting or potentially affecting cultural and historic resources, including advising the City Council on the Historic Value of potentially “replaced qualifying structures” pursuant to RSA 79-E:4.
  5. (5) Coordinate activities with appropriate service organizations and nonprofit groups.

Reference Administrative Code 5-25, Ordinance O -2015.10.14 – 021.

Current Members

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Public Body
Member Info
Contact Info
Heritage Commission hideThis
Jeffrey Spires Role: Regular - Chairperson Term Begin: 2/4/2016 Term End: 8/14/2027
Address: 8 Franklin Plaza Tel: (603) 591-2754 email this person
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Heritage Commission hideThis
Ethan Healey Role: Regular Term Begin: 2/12/2025 Term End: 2/12/2028
Address: 16 Uncommon Drive Tel: (603) 395-0641 email this person
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Heritage Commission hideThis
Anthony McManus Role: Regular Term Begin: 2/3/2016 Term End: 2/22/2026
Address: 3 Renaud Avenue Tel: (603) 742-7886 email this person
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Heritage Commission hideThis
Jan Nedelka Role: Regular Term Begin: 3/28/2023 Term End: 3/22/2026
Address: 169 Dover Point Road Tel: (603) 285-3873 email this person
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Heritage Commission hideThis
Jonathan Nichols Role: Regular - Woodman Museum Representative Term Begin: 3/7/2023 Term End: 2/22/2026
Address: 15 Shawnee Lane Tel: (603) 953-6184 email this person
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Heritage Commission hideThis
Paul Crouser Role: Planning Department Representative Term Begin: hideThis Term End: hideThis
Address: 288 Central Ave. Tel: 603-516-6008 email this person
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Heritage Commission hideThis
Linnea Nemeth Role: Councilor - Liaison Term Begin: 1/3/2022 Term End: 12/31/2025
Address: 8 Cornerstone Drive Tel: (603) 403-2958 email this person
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Heritage Commission hideThis
Patty Falconer Role: Staff Liasion Term Begin: hideThis Term End: hideThis
Address: 73 Locust Street Tel: 603-516-6050 email this person
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