Typical Meeting Time | The Second and Fourth Tuesday's of the Month at 7 p.m. |
Typical Meeting Location | Council Chambers, City Hall, 288 Central Avenue, Dover, NH 03820 |
Board's Liaison | Planning Department |
Email privacy statement
Email sent to the Dover Planning Board is considered a public record and subject to New Hampshire's Right-to-Know law, RSA 91:A, with limited exceptions as outlined in the law. All correspondence sent to the Dover Planning Board via email may be subject to disclosure as a matter of public record. Correspondence that is not intended for public review, is confidential or intended to be confidential should not be sent to the email address above.
The composition, function and duties of the Planning board shall be as provided by RSA 672-677, and the Code of the City of Dover.
Reference City of Dover Administrative Code, Chapter 5-8, Boards, Commissions and Committees and Chapter 41, Planning Board. Reference State of New Hampshire Statutes, Title LXIV: Planning and Zoning.
Also for your reference:
City of Dover Code, Chapter 149, Site Review Regulations.
City of Dover Code, Chapter 155, Subdivision of Land.
For complete City of Dover City Charter and City Code, click here.
RSA 673:2:
I-a. In cities with a city council-city manager form of government, the planning board may consist of the following 9 members:
(a) The city manager, or with the approval of the local legislative body the city manager's designee, who shall be an ex officio member;
(b) A member of the city council selected by the council, who shall be an ex officio member; and
(c) Seven persons appointed by the mayor, if the mayor is an elected official, or such other method of appointment or election as shall be provided for by the local legislative body or municipal charter.
Dover’s City Council utilized the clause, allowing the local legislative body to provide for appointment, in (c) to define the membership of the Planning Board. Since 1977 this has been memorialized in Chapter 41 of the City of Dover Code. This chapter states that the regular membership of the Planning Board consists of 9 members. Three are Ex-Officio:
The remaining 6 regular members and 3 alternates are members of the public at large, as appointed to the Board, by the City Council.
All regular members, including the three Ex-Officio, have voting rights.
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