Community Services

Welcome to Community Services

The City of Dover's Community Services Department is responsible for many of the day-to-day services residents depend on, including streets and roads, recycling and trash pick-up, City facilities and grounds, wastewater treatment, engineering, environmental management, fleet services, and much more.

Mission Statement

Community Services Director

We will work to maintain the infrastructure in the City of Dover, and promote high quality of living through recreation programs and services. In accomplishing these goals we will use sound financial and performance principles in the management and maintenance of our City's infrastructure. The Department will always act with pride, vision, and accountability and react in readiness. Furthermore, not only will we listen to our citizens -- we will respond.

Goals for the Department

  • To continue to improve operational efficiency between program activities and to foster positive relations within the department and other departments in the City, with Dover citizens, construction and home building industry, and other public agencies;
  • To improve community credibility and awareness through successful and timely implementation of assigned programs, capital improvement projects, and other public relation efforts;
  • To provide fiscal and cost accounting services in support of the department;
  • To support and assist the various boards and commissions involved in departmental activities including the Planning Board, Cemetery Board of Trustees, Dover Utilities Commission, and the Solid Waste Advisory Commission.

Our web presence here is intended to provide citizens with the latest, updated information about the services we offer.

Please let us know if we can be of service.

John B. Storer
Community Services Director