Environmental Programs
Mission Statement
To efficiently and effectively meet all areas of responsibility including compliance with Federal, State and local laws and to assist the community through education to be as environmentally conscious as possible.
Environmental Programs Goals
- Plan and Oversee GIS development;
- Oversee closure of Tolend Road Landfill;
- Oversee environmental activities in community;
- Ensure all environmental legislation is abided by within the City;
- Maintain and update Geographic Information System (mapping and database development);
- Perform analysis and queries of GIS databases and prepare reports;
- Prepare digital representations of the City of Dover.
An Important Message from the Department of Environmental Services
Protect Your Family, Test Your Well
Common Health Related Contaminants in NH Wells:
- Radon Arsenic
- Uranium Fluoride
- Gross Alpha Bacteria
- Radium Nitrate/Nitrite
- Lead/Copper and other contaminants
Please see the document below for further information: