Court Street & Union Street Reconstruction Project

Project update

Project designs are currently 95% complete. Staff anticipates the project will go out to bid during the summer of 2024, with construction starting no later than Spring 2025. The project is expected to last about 2.5 years.

Initial Concept Plans

Engineers created initial concept plans for the Court Street and Union Street project. Based on feed back from the July 13, 2022 neighborhood meeting and subsequent poll, the preferred concepts were incorporated into the design.  

Court Street Option #1: Bicycle lanes without on-street parking

Court Street Option #2: Shared Lane Markings ("Sharrows") with on street-parking

Note: Shared lane markings, or sharrows, are painted in travel lanes where bicycles and cars share the roads. The markings remind motorists to expect to see bicyclists and remind bicyclists where to ride on the road. The placement of the sharrows in the lane keeps cyclists from riding too close to parked cars, where car doors may open unexpectedly. 

Union Street Concept

About the Project

The City of Dover has targeted Court Street and Union Street for street reconstruction to upgrade underground utilities and address drainage concerns and roadway/sidewalk conditions. The city has been planning for the project through six-year Capital Improvements Program the City Council adopts each fall. 

The reconstruction project will follow the City of Dover's Complete Streets and Traffic Calming Guidelines, including extending Court Street's sidewalk from South Pine Street to Hubbard Road. Engineers will also evaluate the intersection of Back Road/Court Street/Middle Road to identify opportunities to increase motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians' safety.

Survey work began in Summer 2021 and has included geotechnical borings to investigate subsurface conditions within the project area, video inspection of the existing stormwater drain, sewer main and sewer services and creating a base survey. The goal is to have engineer design plans developed through the year with construction to begin in 2023.

Email updates

As the project develops, the City of Dover plans regular email updates to help residents and business plans for the construction disruption. To sign-up for these updates, visit, add “Project update: Court Street and Union Street Reconstruction” to your current email subscription list.

Recent email updates:

Project documents