The reconstruction of Court and Union streets, which includes upgrades to utilities, drainage, and the street itself, is nearing fruition. Community Services Engineering staff anticipate advertising the project to qualified contractors later this month, with bids due at the end of April.
Providing that bids come in as estimated, the City Council’s authorization to award the bid would occur in May, with contractor mobilizing around mid-June. Once a contractor is selected, city staff will organize a neighborhood meeting with the contractor to inform residents what to expect during the construction phase.
The project is anticipated to take two construction seasons, with substantial completion by winter 2026. Final paving, clean-up and restoration would occur in spring 2027.
The contractor may need to temporarily step onto private property outside the public right-of-way to properly connect the limits of the project to private property and ensure positive drainage. In the coming weeks, city staff will mail Right of Entry letters to property owners abutting the project detailing what to expect.
As a matter of policy, the City of Dover avoids removing trees in the public right of way unless necessary for a project/infrastructure or safety concerns. As part of the design and due diligence, the city evaluated 27 trees within the project limits. The evaluation determined three trees need to be removed to construct sidewalks; four other trees are in poor to very poor condition that will be impacted by construction activities and pose a safety risk and need to be removed.
Tree waivers will be mailed in the next couple of weeks to property owners within the project limits who own the trees within the public right-of-way that need to be removed.
Contact Deputy City Engineer Jillian Semprini at or 603-516-6450.
The project limits include Union Street, from Central Avenue to Court Street, and Court Street from Central Avenue through Middle Road to just east of Hubbard Road. Following feedback through neighborhood meetings, emails and survey, the final plans incorporate a combination of the two initial concept plans presented to the public. The plans utilize shared use lanes and bike lanes depending on the section of the project.
The City of Dover has targeted Court Street and Union Street for street reconstruction to upgrade underground utilities and address drainage concerns and roadway/sidewalk conditions. The city has been planning for the project through six-year Capital Improvements Program the City Council adopts each fall.
The reconstruction project will follow the City of Dover's Complete Streets and Traffic Calming Guidelines, including extending Court Street's sidewalk from South Pine Street to Hubbard Road. Engineers will also evaluate the intersection of Back Road/Court Street/Middle Road to identify opportunities to increase motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians' safety.
Survey work began in Summer 2021 and has included geotechnical borings to investigate subsurface conditions within the project area, video inspection of the existing stormwater drain, sewer main and sewer services and creating a base survey. The goal is to have engineer design plans developed through the year with construction to begin in 2023.
As the project develops, the City of Dover plans regular email updates to help residents and business plans for the construction disruption. To sign-up for these updates, visit, add “Project update: Court Street and Union Street Reconstruction” to your current email subscription list.
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