Court Street Emergency Sewer Replacement

Court Street emergency sewer replacement update 

Contractors have replaced the failed sanitary sewer on Court Street; however, work continues to replace a small section of sewer main on Back Road at the intersection with Court Street and Middle Road. This part was added to the project due to its unexpected interference with the force main that runs from the River Street Pump Station to the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Work is ongoing and is expected to be completed by the end of next week.

To facilitate this work, Back Road will be closed between Samuel Hanson Avenue and Court Street. Traffic will be detoured around the work area.

Once completed, the road will receive a base coat of pavement, which will also require traffic restrictions. A paving date has not yet been set. The old sewer still needs to be filled with concrete, but that is not expected to affect traffic.

The emergency sewer replacement project replaces a failing sewer line of about 1,200 feet on Court Street and Middle Road between Tennyson Avenue and Hubbard Road. After a competitive bid process, the City Council awarded the construction contract to D&C Construction Co., of Weymouth, Massachusetts, for a cost not to exceed $202,100.

The failing sewer line was discovered during the utility investigation in preparation for the Court Street Reconstruction Project, which is anticipated to go out to bid later this year. Because of the condition of the sewer line, city staff recommended its immediate replacement ahead of the full reconstruction project.

Work hours are Monday through Friday, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The project is anticipated to be completed by the end of September. 

Traffic detour required

To allow the contractor to complete the work, the project area on Court Street and Middle Road will be closed to through traffic during work hours from Tennyson Avenue to Hubbard Road for the project's duration. Road closures will be posted within the project area depending on where the excavation occurs, and only residents within the closed zone will be allowed access. All through traffic should follow marked detour routes or should seek alternate routes.

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