Distinctly Dover

Vision Chapter Update

To review the adopted Vision Chapter update, click here

On Tuesday, July 25, the Planning Board moved to adopt the Vision Chapter update following a public hearing that was held to allow community members an opportunity to express their thoughts and opinions on the proposed vision.

The Master Plan's Vision Chapter captures the long-term view of the city, as told by Dover residents, and serves as the foundation from which all other Master Plan chapters are built.

Over the past nine months, Planning Department staff members and the Vision Chapter Steering Committee have worked alongside consultant partners, Resilience Planning and CJW Consulting, to create an updated Vision Chapter of the city's Master Plan that represents what makes our community, "Distinctly Dover."

To review the adopted Vision Chapter update, along with the community feedback received as part of this project, click here.

Past Visioning Events

Engagement efforts by the Steering Committee and Planning staff began in October 2022. In the course of several months, they engaged the community through online polling, at community events, such as Apple Harvest Day, a virtual visioning session, ten "Vision on the Go" sessions with various community groups, and five "drop-in" events. In total, the committee received more than 400 responses from residents and stakeholders providing their input toward the city's Community Vision for 2035.

On April 18, 2023 the draft community vision, based on the received input, was first shared at the locations listed below. Attendees provided additional feedback on the draft vision and the direction of the update project. 

On Feb. 9, 2023 a Virtual Visioning Session was held to gather input Dover residents on their thoughts for the future of Dover. The group discussed what they saw as the strengths of Dover, concerns for the future, and the vision for Dover in 2035.  

You can also view the Virtual Visioning Session by clicking here.


Every 5-10 years, the City reviews and updates the chapters of its Master Plan, which is used to shape city and community policy decisions and is particularly useful in defining land use regulations and long-term capital budgeting priorities.

The Vision Chapter of the Master Plan is a unique chapter that captures the long term view of the City, as told by Dover residents, and serves as a foundation on which all of the remaining chapters of the Master Plan are built.

The previous Vision Chapter, completed in 2012, was titled Dover 2023, Building Our Tomorrow and can be viewed here. The chapter is a culmination of more than five months of extensive public outreach efforts and  presents an expansive statement of what Dover residents wanted the City to become in the year 2023.

Now, the City has begun the process of updating the Vision Chapter based on the feedback of Dover residents.

The project is called Distinctly Dover, A Community Vision for 2035. 

If you have questions about the Vision Chapter, or how to get involved with the update, please contact Erin Bassegio in the Planning Department.