Community Power

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What is the Dover Community Power program? 

If enacted, as a member of the non-profit Community Power Coalition of New Hampshire(CPCNH), the Dover Community Power program is authorized under RSA 53:E to provide electricity supply service for the City’s residents, businesses, municipal operations and other types of customers on a competitive and voluntary basis. The program will only launch if it is able to initially offer residential default electricity rates that are lower than those offered by Eversource. The program will be self-funded through revenues generated by participating customers and as such the city will not use taxpayer funds to cover program expenses. Eversource will continue to own and operate the distribution grid and be responsible for delivering power to all customers within the City. The Coalition is overseen by a Board of Directors comprised of appointed members from participating member communities.

The main goal is for the participating communities to leverage their combined purchasing power to create savings and new value for customers through individual programs such as the Dover Community Power program.


For more details access the adopted Electric Aggregation Plan (EAP) for the Dover Community Power program. 

The first public hearing to receive input on the EAP was held on Nov. 16, and the second public hearing was held Dec. 14. 

Click here and here to access the two sets of slides used by Energy Commission Chair Baber and Resilience Manager Kaspari for their presentations from the first public hearing. 

Watch a video recording of the presentations by Energy Commission Chair Baber and Resilience Manager Kaspari, also available here.

Dover's Public Planning Process for the Electric Aggregation Plan 

The Dover Electric Aggregation Committee (EAC) was appointed by City Council during its regular meeting on Feb. 23, 2022 to provide the Council with advisory support during the development of the Dover Community Power program. The Committee encompasses the entire body of Dover’s Energy Commission who has a variety of valuable expertise pertaining to energy. That expertise comes from members with backgrounds in subjects including regulatory processes, utility operations, electric vehicles, energy data and offshore wind. The Committee is regularly updated on the matters of the Coalition by the staff liaison to the Planning and Community Development Department, Dover’s Resilience Manager, Dr. Jackson Kaspari. Kaspari serves as the Alternative Director representing Dover as part of the Coalition’s Risk Management Committee. The EAC provided input on the EAP as part of a series of three meetings held on March 2, Sept. 21, and Oct. 19 during the 2022 calendar year. Following the Sept. 21 meeting, the Committee authorized Dr. Kaspari to produce a proposed draft for review by the Committee at its Oct. 26 meeting. The EAC then held two public hearings for the draft plan on Nov. 16, 2022 and Dec. 14, 2022. After reviewing public input, the EAC adopted the EAP during its Jan. 18, 2023 meeting in the "best, long-term interest of ratepayers and the community." The EAP was then unanimously adopted by the City Council during its' Jan. 25, 2023 meeting per the recommendation from the EAC. 

For inquires regarding the Dover Community Power program please contact Resilience Coordinator, Lexi Merchant by email: or phone: (603) 516-6008