In designing a comprehensive plan to combat substance abuse in the community, we felt that one piece of that plan needed to be universally administered classroom training. We selected the DARE program to serve as the core curriculum at fifth grade and then built around that in other grades - taking into consideration the school's basic health curriculum as well.
Each of our classroom components is described below. More detailed information on each of them can be obtained by using the drop down menus above or by clicking on the links in the text of this page.
Officer Brynn Dunne DARE Class December 2017
This is a series of 4 short lessons, in each second grade classroom, that introduce the DARE officers and emphasize personal safety, medicine safety, and similar issues. It concludes with a simple tobacco themed presentation by Dover Youth to Youth called Samantha Skunk, which features costume characters acting out a story. Click here for an Overview of the 2nd grade curriculum or go to the Second Grade pull down menu above.
This short curriculum focuses on tobacco consequences [Lesson #1] and then follows with information on how the tobacco industry advertises to hide those consequences [Lesson #2]. Click here for an Overview of the 4th grade TRUTH curriculum or go to the Fourth Grade pull down menu above.
This is a 10-unit program that is taught weekly in Dover fifth grades over the fall and early winter. This comprehensive program focuses on topics such as underage drinking, marijuana, tobacco, media, peer pressure and decision making. We have added to the Core DARE program to further expand the message and power of the program, including these components (go to the 5th grade pull down menu above for more information on DARE in Dover or an overview of the 5th grade lessons or any of the following components of our fifth grade program):
Core DARE CurriculumMore information on our assemblies and classroom programs is available in the pull down menus above or by clicking on the links on this page.
The Youth to Youth section of this web site has additional information on a variety of presentations they provide to schools and conferences on request.