The online parking violation payment system is back up and running. Please CLICK HERE and follow the on-screen instructions.
If you have any questions, please call us at 603-516-6132 or e-mail to
Parking Bureau
46 Locust Street
Dover, NH 03820
(603) 516-6132 Email at
Monday – Thursday 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The City of Dover provides three hours of free parking per day in two specific locations for those with Veteran license plates, provided the vehicle is operated by the person who qualified for the specialized plate. Free parking is not applicable in spaces designed for electric vehicle charging.
Those with Veteran license plates may use the following locations for free parking:
Those with Purple Heart, Gold Star or Prisoner Of War license plates also have three hours of free parking per day at any meter spaced downtown, except spaces designed for electric vehicle charging.
A pay-by-phone option is available for all parking lots and on-street locations similar to what is available in the parking garage. The only difference is that a plate number is used for parking lots and on-street locations instead of space numbers that is only used in the parking garage. The City of Dover utilized the Flowbird pay-by-phone application.
When using the garage, drivers can pay at the meters in the garage or use the FLOWBIRD pay-by-phone application. The program, which is now known as FLOWBIRD, works exactly as it did under its previous name, WHOOSH.
In the garage, open the app and enter your space number to pay for parking. Now, in addition to the garage, you can pay for specific parking lots, as well any on-street parking spaces, directly from the app.
Once the app is downloaded, set up an account and select a parking lot or the on-street option. The system will send you a text reminder when your parking session is about to expire. You can extend your stay from the app, wherever you are. There is a 25 cent fee to use the app.
When using the app for locations with the progressive pricing structure (including all on-street locations and the Belknap, Orchard and Indoor Pool Lots), if you do not extend your parking session before it expires, you will not be able to use the app for an hour. You would need to a street meter instead.
The city's parking officers use a cell phone to confirm paid parking.
There is a specific icon for the EVC spaces separate from the general one for the garage. The non-EVC spaces are the blue balloon, the EVC stations is a blue icon that looks like a “quote” symbol.
Flowbird can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or from the Google Play Store.
These are payments made at our meters. For reasons beyond our control, some credit card companies are posting what used to be “CITY OF DOVER” as “DOVER PRODUCTION”
Parking is free for three hours per day for vehicles properly displaying a valid accessible parking plate or placard when the person qualified for the plate or placard is going to or from the vehicle. This does not apply to electric vehicle charging stations. Longer stays require paid parking through the meter or pay-by-phone Flowbird app after the third hour. Misuse of a placard by non-qualified persons is a $250 fine.
Mopeds may not be parked on any portion of a sidewalk and should be in a regular marked parking space. Each vehicle should have its own paid parking session, even if they are sharing a space.
9 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Saturday (excluding designated parking holidays).
The city utilizes Progressive Pricing meter rates for On-street spaces as well as in the Belknap, Orchard Street and indoor pool parking lots.
Progressive Pricing Meter Rates
Hours 1 & 2 $1.25/hour
Hours 3 & 4 $2.25/hour
Hours 5+ $3.25/hour
The parking garage is now paid parking 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays. Spaces numbered 301 and higher are PERMIT PARKING ONLY 24/7. Daily users should park on floors 1 and 2 only. Parking permits are also allowed in spaces 201-231 from 6 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily. Permit holders who will be parked after 5:30 p.m. must park in spaces 301-514.
Four Electric Vehicle Charging (EVC) wall units are on the municipal parking lot's second floor in the northeast corner, above the interior entrance to the police station. Two units are Tesla and two are universal, available to non-Tesla plug-in electric vehicles. The four units are shared among three parking spaces to allow for combinations of universal and Tesla vehicles.
EVC require paid parking at all times for all vehicles, by either the parking meters or the Flowbird pay-by-phone app (look for the icon with an electrical plug). This includes vehicles displaying disability plates or placards, and those with veterans and veteran-related plates.
Under the authority of City Ordinance 141-3, parking in the McConnell Center/Library lot is limited to use by persons actively using either facility between the hours of 8 a.m. and 7 p.m., weekdays. There is a three-hour limit in place except for vehicles displaying a valid permit.
EasyPark Devices no longer accepted for paid parking: As of April 1, 2025, the EasyPark device will no longer be accepted for paid parking. The device is long longer able to have added as of Dec. 31, 2021. Any customer with remaining funds on their Easy Park device, may have the them converted into parking tokens of equal value that may be used exclusively in the parking garage. Validation of the funds purchase (credit card statement) is required for the transaction.
Motorcycle Parking Rules: Motorcycles may share a parking stall, but each motorcycle must have its own meter receipt. Meter receipts should be left on the motorcycle using the area where the seat and gas tank meet or any place a cable may hold it in place. There is a tear off portion with each receipt that the driver should keep with them in the event the other half is dislodged.
January 1 | New Year’s Day |
January 20 | Martin Luther King, Jr. Day |
February 17 | Presidents Day |
May 26 | Memorial Day |
July 4 | Independence Day |
September 1 | Labor Day |
October 13 | Columbus Day |
November 11 | Veterans Day |
November 27 | Thanksgiving Day |
November 28 | Plaid Friday |
December 25 | Christmas Day |
The mission statement of the Dover Parking Bureau is to promote the safe and orderly flow of vehicle traffic by supervising all municipal parking lots and public parking areas in the downtown business district, and by enforcing all appropriate parking related laws and ordinances
The Parking Bureau is responsible for maintenance of all city parking meters and is responsible for collection of all permit, meter, and fine revenue for deposit into a special City account.
Any questions on parking issues or parking permits may be directed to the Parking Bureau at 603-516-6132 Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.