The Special Investigations Unit (SIU) is staffed by a Sergeant, six detectives, and a civilian secretary.
The SIU is equipped to handle all criminal investigations occurring in the City of Dover, and is authorized by the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office to be the lead agency investigating homicides and other death investigations in Dover.
The SIU is tasked with completing those investigations that can not be immediately handled by other officers.
The SIU works closely with other federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies, as criminal investigations often overlap jurisdictions.
Included in the SIU is the evidence and property control function of the Dover Police Department.
The Crime Scene Unit is made up of officers who have been trained in crime scene and evidence processing and who respond on a “call out” basis when needed. When activated, this unit reports to the SIU chain of command.
Contact Information:
Lieutenant Mark Nadeau, Special Services Bureau Commander Send Email
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