Arena Adult Programs and Leagues

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Women's Hockey/Chix With Stix

Fun pick-up skate for adult women, ages 18 and older, with basic skating skills. Sign-ups will now open Wednesday at 8 a.m. for the following week's skate by calling the front desk 603-516-6060.  This is a drop-in weekly skate. Advance sign-up required. Please bring a dark and light jersey to the skate.

Fall/ Winter Session: September 8- December 22, 2024, Sundays
(None: 9/22, 12/1, 12/15)
Times: 6:00pm- 7:20pm
Cost: $10/per skate

Winter/ Spring Session: January 12th - March 16th, 2025, Sundays
(None: 2/9)
Times: 6:00pm- 7:20pm
Cost: $10/per skate

Sign-ups will now open Mondays at 8:00am for the following week’s skate by calling the front desk (603)516-6060.  This is a drop-in weekly skate. Must sign up in advance. Please bring a dark and light jersey.

Dover Arena Co-Ed Hockey League

This league is focused on the intermediate hockey player, 18 and over, and is CO-ED. This is an 8-team league, players register individually, and the arena staff adjusts the rosters.  Focus is on fun, teamwork and skill improvement.  There are very strict discipline and tough play rules. 

Full equipment is required. Non-contact, no slap shots. Registrations are limited and this program fills quickly!

Fall/Winter Session: September 30- December 16, 2024; Mondays
Times:  Game times vary - see schedule
$300 for 12 Week Season 

Current players have until Wednesday September 4th to sign up before registration opens. Email Mike ( individually for online registration information or print registration form and mail it in with a check.  

2025 Winter Coed Schedule

Winter/Spring Session: January 6th – March 3rd, 2025; Mondays
Times:  Game times vary - see schedule
$225 for 9 Week Season 

Current players have until Wednesday, December 18th to sign up before registration opens.  Email Mike ( individually for online registration information or print registration form and mail it in with a check.

Click here to download a registration form

Co-ed/Beginner Level Pick-up Hockey

This is a beginner hockey pickup game for men and women ages 18 and over. This recreational program focuses on skill enhancement and fun. This is a safe, non-contact program and welcomes all beginner skaters and intermediate skaters that can stay focused on a fun pick-up game situation. No strong intermediate or advanced men or women skaters in this program. Advanced skaters will be asked to leave. This program is for beginner hockey players only. Full hockey equipment required. Each session is an hour and a half. Two goalies will be provided.

Summer Session: TBA
Times: Check times weekly - Registrations open at 8:00am on Monday for that week's skate by calling the front desk (603)516-6060
Cost: $10 per skater

Fall/Winter Session:  September 6- December 20, 2024; Friday Nights
(None: 11/29)
Times:  Check times weekly.  Registrations will open at 8am Monday for that week's skate by calling the arena front desk at 603-516-6060.
Cost:  $10/per skater

Winter/ Spring Session: January 17th – Feb 28th, 2025; Friday nights
(None: 2/21)
Times:  Check times weekly.  Registrations will open at 8am Monday for that week's skate by calling the arena front desk at 603-516-6060.
Cost:  $10/per skater

Beginner Adult Hockey Skills, Drills & Pick-up Games

This is a beginner hockey skills program for men and women ages 18 and over. This recreational program focuses on skill enhancement and fun. This is a safe, non-contact program and welcomes all beginner skaters. Men are limited to only beginner level skaters, no intermediate or advanced men skaters in this program. Full hockey equipment required. Each session is an hour and a half of skating, with skating and hockey drills and a game at the end of each session. Qualified adult hockey instructors are on the ice each session.

Winter / Spring Session:  January 10th – March 14th, 2025; Friday Mornings (None 2/21)
$10 per session - walk-ons welcome anytime.

Adult Intro Skills and Drills

This program is designed for the adult beginner skaters (men and women) 18+. The program will include basic skating skills and drills related to hockey. Full hockey equipment is required.

Session: Fall/Winter; September 13– December 13, 2024; Fridays (None: 9/20, 10/4,10/11. 11/29)
  $10/session - walk-ons welcome anytime