There are several sources of revenue and funding that contribute to the City of Dover's annual operating budget. These sources included property taxes, revenue from fees and permits, grant funding, and special revenue funds. There are four major funds that comprise the budget: general, enterprise, special revenue and internal service. In the proposed fiscal year 2026 budget, these proposed funds total $207,557,289. Below is a breakdown of those funds:

Those funds are used to operate various City functions, including general government, public safety, public works, human services, culture and recreation and education. Below is a breakdown of how funds are used by function:
Those sources of funding can be broken down further to show only those categories that rely on property taxes:

It's also helpful to look at the sources of revenue that fund the annual budget, and how much each source contributes to the overall amount. Below is a chart that breaks down the revenue by category, including taxes, licenses and permits, intergovernmental charges for services, miscellaneous revenue, education and operating transfers received: