Where the Money Goes

The City of Dover provides a variety of community services and functions, including general government, public safety, culture and recreation, public works, human services and public education. How is it funded?

Major Uses of Funds

There are several areas that receive the majority of funding, including personal services, purchased services, supplies, capital outlay, transfers out, debt service and county operations. Below is a look at how those funds, which total $207,557,289 in the proposed fiscal year 2026 budget, would be distributed:



General Fund appropriations

The General Fund, which excludes Special Revenue and Proprietary Funds, accounts for 79 percent of the operational spending of the City. The General Fund incorporates the spending in such areas as Police, Fire, Community Services and the School Department. In the proposed fiscal year 2026 budget, would total $169,004,444. Below is a breakdown of General Fund appropriations by type:


The whole picture

Below is how the entire fiscal year budget breaks down by category:
