posted on: 2/6/2018

Crews from Severino Trucking Company and Maine Drilling and Blasting will continue blasting operations on Dover's waterfront development site through March 15, 2018. Blasting is scheduled Monday through Friday between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., and will consist of a single blast each day. The remainder of work each day will consist of removing material.

The blasting site is the area known as "the bluff," a steep area of ledge that borders River Street. The ledge is being excavated as part of the City's waterfront development project. Blasting began on Jan. 22.

Although blasting operations are not loud, the ground within the vicinity of the blasting may tremble.

Prior to blasting, abutters within 1,000 feet of the work were notified of blasting operations. Public abutter meetings about the blasting were held on Nov 1 and Dec. 22. Abutters were offered the opportunity to have Maine Drilling and Blasting conduct a preblast survey of their property.

The five-acre bluff is part of the City's 12-acre waterfront parcel slated for development. The bluff's 3.7 acres of ledge will be excavated to street level to allow for more buildable land. The Cochecho Waterfront Development Advisory Committee, which oversees the project, approved a concept plan last year that calls for 226 residential units, 9,000 square feet of commercial space and a 4,000-square-foot restaurant on the City owned waterfront property. The committee recently completed a request for qualifications from developers interested in the property.

Waterfront blasting operations ongoing through March 15

posted on: 2/6/2018

Crews from Severino Trucking Company and Maine Drilling and Blasting will continue blasting operations on Dover's waterfront development site through March 15, 2018. Blasting is scheduled Monday through Friday between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m., and will consist of a single blast each day. The remainder of work each day will consist of removing material.

The blasting site is the area known as "the bluff," a steep area of ledge that borders River Street. The ledge is being excavated as part of the City's waterfront development project. Blasting began on Jan. 22.

Although blasting operations are not loud, the ground within the vicinity of the blasting may tremble.

Prior to blasting, abutters within 1,000 feet of the work were notified of blasting operations. Public abutter meetings about the blasting were held on Nov 1 and Dec. 22. Abutters were offered the opportunity to have Maine Drilling and Blasting conduct a preblast survey of their property.

The five-acre bluff is part of the City's 12-acre waterfront parcel slated for development. The bluff's 3.7 acres of ledge will be excavated to street level to allow for more buildable land. The Cochecho Waterfront Development Advisory Committee, which oversees the project, approved a concept plan last year that calls for 226 residential units, 9,000 square feet of commercial space and a 4,000-square-foot restaurant on the City owned waterfront property. The committee recently completed a request for qualifications from developers interested in the property.

Severino began preparing the bluff for excavation in December 2017 by removing trees and stumps. Severino expects to remove 62,000 cubic yards of rock from the excavation.

For more information about the waterfront development project, contact the Planning Department at 516-6008.