posted on 11/25/2022

The School Board continues its fiscal year 2024 budget discussions with a budget workshop on Monday, Nov. 28.

Superintendent William Harbron and Business Administrator Michael Limanni presented their preliminary budget at the Nov. 14 School Board meeting. They said the budget was still being refined and a more thorough budget would be presented on Nov. 28. The preliminary budget, which includes a list of requested positions, is available here.

At the budget workshop, department heads will be on hand to discuss the new position requests with information on the positions, why they are requested, and the data to support the need for them, Harbron told the School Board on Nov. 14. The School Board has until Jan. 15, 2023, to finalize its FY2024 budget.

The workshop begins at 6 p.m. in School Board Chambers at the McConnell Center. Click here for the complete agenda. Please note, Citizen’s Forum comments are limited to agenda items only as it’s a workshop and not a regular meeting.

School Board budget workshop is Monday

posted on 11/25/2022

The School Board continues its fiscal year 2024 budget discussions with a budget workshop on Monday, Nov. 28.

Superintendent William Harbron and Business Administrator Michael Limanni presented their preliminary budget at the Nov. 14 School Board meeting. They said the budget was still being refined and a more thorough budget would be presented on Nov. 28. The preliminary budget, which includes a list of requested positions, is available here.

At the budget workshop, department heads will be on hand to discuss the new position requests with information on the positions, why they are requested, and the data to support the need for them, Harbron told the School Board on Nov. 14. The School Board has until Jan. 15, 2023, to finalize its FY2024 budget.

The workshop begins at 6 p.m. in School Board Chambers at the McConnell Center. Click here for the complete agenda. Please note, Citizen’s Forum comments are limited to agenda items only as it’s a workshop and not a regular meeting. All budget documents and videos of budget discussions will be added to the FY2024 Budget Revealed webpage at