New Construction - Alternative Site A

This option would involve constructing a new high school and Career Technical Center on Site 1, across Bellamy Road and west of the existing school.
The following pros and cons of this options were identified as:
- All new facility
- Ability to separate occupied school from new construction
- Optimal solar orientation for classroom wing
- Parking lot located across a busy street from the new school facility
- Fields located across a busy street from the new facility
- CTE and HS programs are less integrated due to narrow site
- Small Learning Communities are not well defined due to narrow site
- CTE automotive does not have easy access for public
- Re-use existing barn but very remote from new facility
- Rebuild four fields
- Rebuild parking lots
- Pick-up and drop-off area is constrained
- Service area is constrained and not adjacent to kitchen
- Builds new facility adjacent to multiple abutters
Despite the advantages of minimally impacting students during construction, the physical site was deemed too small to accommodate a new facility with adequate educational and access needs.
This option also presents safety concerns with significant foot traffic crossing Bellamy Road to and from the parking areas and athletic fields.
These factors led the JBC to vote against pursuing this option any further.