New Police Facility and Parking Garage

Construction of a new police facility and parking garage is complete. The parking garage opened in November 2015, followed by the new police facility in March 2016.

This page includes information about the project, including background material, project updates, important documents, design concepts, and much more. It will be updated over the course of the project.

New Police Facility Photograph Gallery


Parking Garage Entrance

Parking garage open for parking

The parking garage is now open for public use. The main entrance can be located on Orchard Street which runs from the area of 366 Central Ave. to 46 Chestnut St. where you will find the new Police Facility still under construction. Parking kiosks, similar to the units already in use throughout the downtown area, can be located on every floor of the garage. When you park, make a note of the parking spot number you are using then pay for that specific spot at one of the kiosks. The rates and hours are the same as the other public parking areas in the city costing 75 cents per hour between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Parking is free during the off hours, weekends and holidays. To view an instructional video click HERE.

Crews continue to focus on the completion of some mechanical systems inside the garage.

The garage is made up of 325 individual precast concrete panels, collectively weighing 13,965,300 pounds. The panels were shipped in 260 loads traveling a total of 84,250 miles.

The police facility opened in March 2016.

Award of Bids & Important Documents

Contact the Project Manager

Please use the form below to contact the project manager for the Police Facility and Parking Garage project.


Police and Parking Facility Building Committee

A seven member building committee be formed as an advisory committee regarding construction of the police facility.  The committee members shall be appointed by the mayor, subject to approval of the city council. That the committee shall be made up of one (1) City Councilor, two (2) citizen representatives, one (1) representative from the Dover Police Administrators Association, and one (1) representative of the Dover Police Association. The Police Chief and the Director of Planning and CDBG will serve as ex-officio voting members. The Mayor will choose the chairperson. The committee will review and give advice on all aspects of the construction process. The City Manager and the Police Chief shall exercise their duties and responsibilities pursuant to the City Charter and City Ordinances.

To visit the Police and Parking Facility Building Committee page, click here. 

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