The development of the fiscal year 2026 budget is underway. The School Board began its budget review on Nov. 18, 2024, which will continue into January 2025. The School Board is required by city ordinance to submit the School Department's operating budget to the City Manager by Jan. 15, 2025. The City Manager will present the city's overall budget to the City Council by Feb. 15, 2025.
The School Board adopted the School Department's FY26 budget at a special session on Jan. 6 in a 6-1 vote. The total budget is $95,722,335, which includes an operating budget of $90,086,597 and a special revenue budget of $5,635,738. The amount to be raised by local property taxes is $63,521,900, which is above the school portion of the estimated tax capped levy by $2,611,154.
The School Department's budget will be included in the overall citywide FY26 budget that City Manager J. Michael Joyal, Jr. will present to the City Council on Feb. 12, 2025.
The School Board held a special session on Dec. 16, where it discussed a draft resolution related to the proposed Dover High School Athletic Complex and FY26 budget.
The School Board held its fourth FY26 budget workshop.
The School Board held its third FY26 budget workshop.
As required by the City Council's financial policies, the City Manager annually presents preliminary budget numbers for the city and school portions of the budget to the City Council annually by Dec. 31. The budget discussion also includes the FY26 preliminary tax cap calculation.
School Department leaders provided departmental FY2026 budget presentations at the School Board's Nov. 25, 2024 workshop.
Superintendent William Harbron and Business Administrator Michael Limanni gave a brief, initial overview of the School Department's FY2026 budget. The presentation included the significant drivers on both the revenue and expenditure sides of the FY2026 budget.