FY2026 Budget

Upcoming City Council Budget Meetings

  • Wednesday, April 2, 7 p.m. Workshop: General budget review
  • Wednesday, April 2, following workshop: Special meeting: Budget adoption 
  • Wednesday, April 9, 7 p.m. Regular meeting: Fallback budget adoption date

Dover City Manager Presents Proposed FY2026 Budget to City Council

Dover City Manager J. Michael Joyal, Jr. presented the proposed Fiscal Year 2026 budget to the City Council on Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2025.

The proposed budget totals $207,557,289 across all funds, reflecting a 4.4% increase over the previous year. This includes a 5.2% increase in school-related expenses and a 3.6% increase in non-school-related expenses, such as solid waste management and public water and sewer utilities.

The proposed budget exceeds the city’s tax cap requirements by $2,274,224. While the estimated local school portion of the property tax levy exceeds the tax cap formula by $2,370,578, the city’s portion is $96,354 below the tax cap. As a result, a two-thirds majority vote from the City Council is required to adopt the budget as currently proposed. 

The full budget document can be viewed here, and will also be available at the Dover Public Library and City Hall.

The proposed budget's accompanying FY2026 Proposed Schedule of Fees can be viewed here. When the City Council adopts the FY2026 budget, it will also adopt its schedule of fees for the fiscal year. 

The City Manager's presentation can be viewed below. This page will be updated throughout the budget process with budget documents, videos, and other budget information.


All City Council FY2026 Budget Documents

School Board's FY2026 Budget Process

School Board meeting, 3/10/2025

At its March 10 meeting, the School Board voted unanimously to recommend budget adjustments to its Jan. 6, 2025 adopted budget.

The adjustments would reduce the amount needed to be raised by local property tax and bring it within the City of Dover's tax cap calculation, according to the School Department's Chief Financial Officer Michael Limanni and the memorandum he provided to the School Board at the March 10 meeting. The budget memorandum discusses why there are recommended changes to the revenue and appropriations sides of the budget.

With the adjustments, the School Department budget would total $94,862,186 across all funds, a reduction of $860,149 from the $95,722,335 adopted amount. The School Board now recommends that $61,151,322 be raised by local property taxes for General Fund appropriations, a reduction of $2,370,578 from the $63,521,900 the School Board adopted on Jan. 6.

These recommended adjustments will be included on a forthcoming list of budget adjustments that City Manager J. Michael Joyal, Jr. will provide to the City Council to consider when the Council prepares to adopt its FY2026 budget. 

School Board Special Session, 1/6/2025

The School Board adopted the School Department's FY26 budget at a Jan. 6, 2025 special session. The total budget is $95,722,335, which includes an operating budget of $90,086,597 and a special revenue budget of $5,635,738. The amount to be raised by local property taxes is $63,521,900, which is above the school portion of the estimated tax capped levy by $2,611,154. 

The School Department's budget will be included in the overall citywide FY26 budget that City Manager J. Michael Joyal, Jr. will present to the City Council on Feb. 12, 2025. 

School Board Special Session, 12/16/2024

The School Board held a special session on Dec. 16, where it discussed a draft resolution related to the proposed Dover High School Athletic Complex and FY26 budget.

School Board Budget Workshop, 12/9/2024

The School Board held its fourth FY26 budget workshop.

School Board Budget Workshop, 12/2/2024

The School Board held its third FY26 budget workshop.

City Council / School Board Joint Budget Workshop, 12/2/2024

As required by the City Council's financial policies, the City Manager annually presents preliminary budget numbers for the city and school portions of the budget to the City Council annually by Dec. 31. The budget discussion also includes the FY26 preliminary tax cap calculation. 

School Board Budget Workshop, 11/25/2024

School Department leaders provided departmental FY2026 budget presentations at the School Board's Nov. 25, 2024 workshop.

School Board Budget Workshop, 11/18/2024

Superintendent William Harbron and Business Administrator Michael Limanni gave a brief, initial overview of the School Department's FY2026 budget. The presentation included the significant drivers on both the revenue and expenditure sides of the FY2026 budget.